What is PLRCA?
PLRCA stands for P artners for L eadership R esources for C hurches in A frica. This is a mission initiative involving churches, organizations and individuals committed to mission in Africa. Partner churches and individuals can be found primarily on all four districts in the Peninsula Delaware Conference and in the Baltimore Washington Conference, UMC.What is the mission of PLRCA?
Our mission is to produce and distribute quality Christian leadership resources to churches in Africa, resources that are culturally relevant and biblically grounded. As the churches in Africa are growing in amazing ways, there is dire need for quality resources for more effective discipleship and faithful leadership. We also develop theological textbooks.What is the vision of PLRCA?
The vision of PLRCA is the equipping and empowerment of dynamic, dedicated spiritual leaders for all churches in Africa through their access to, and use of, these resources.